Wednesday 16 August 2017

Photo of boy taking nap with cow at Iowa State Fair becomes internet sensation

A boy and his cow didn't snag the top prize at the Iowa State Fair last weekend, but a photo of them taking a nap together after the contest is winning over the internet.

Mitchell Miner, 15, and his heifer, Audri, spent most of the summer together and formed a special connection during that time.

"She likes to lay down quite a bit," Miner told the Des Moines Register. "She just enjoys my company."

The teen from Williamsburg, Iowa, entered Audri into a youth dairy cattle show at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. In the weeks leading up to the competition, he led, clipped, walked and bathed her.

Even on the day of the showing on Sunday, he woke up at 3 a.m. to finish getting her ready, making it his third straight day doing so.

Despite the long hours and hard work, Audri finished fifth out of seven contestants at the competition.

Both were exhausted after the event and took a nap inside a barn, where his father, Jeremy Miner, snapped pictures of them cuddling up. He posted a photo of the pair on Facebook on Sunday with the caption, "Our son Mitchell and his heifer after showing yesterday."

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